
Friday, November 8, 2013

Stentence Starters

Writer's workshop is in full swing. I love how excited my class is about choosing their own topics, the writing process, drawing and creating. 

However, some of my young writers need a bit more encouragement to stretch sounds and write words and sentences.  They need some practice outside of workshop time.

Like you, outside my workshop time I do many things to support writing: arranging cut-up sentences in the pocket chart, modeled & shared writing, and (my favorite) list writing. 

Below you will see an idea I came up with using picture prompts and sentence starters.  The text in the picture may be hard to view, so scroll past the picture for a more readable view.
Click on the picture to get this item.

Below is the text in the picture:

Sentence starters and picture prompts can be just what your emerging writer’s need to feel successful as they develop skills.


     ·          Make copies of the same sentence starter for every page.

     ·          Only copy one sentence starter and provide blanks for the following pages.

     ·          Provide different sentence starters for each page. 

     ·          Leave it open-ended for students. Provide a selection of sentence strips for them to make their own unique books.
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(click the pictures to see more)

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