
Saturday, July 20, 2013

11 random facts about me:

1.      My favorite thing to drink is milk.

2.      I like the smell of rain.

3.      My motto is “It takes a village.” I find this true in all aspects in life.

4.      I craved dairy with baby #1, orange flavored anything with #2 and chocolate with #3.

5.      I’d live in sweat pants if I could.

6.      My last dentist appointment left my jaw sore for days. Ouch!

7.      I love to eat ice cream straight from the carton.

8.      Ahhh, I LOVE a cool breeze. Feeling one now, finally the heat broke!

9.      I get motion sickness easily.

10.   I like to ride a bike, but haven’t in years.

11.   I will turn 40 this year (yikes).

Here are some bloggers I nominated for the Liebster Award. 
Check them out!
Kindergarten Faith
Teaching Through Turbulence

My 11 questions for these fab bloggers are:

1.      If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (living or not) who would it be?

2.      What is your favorite teaching moment?

3.      What is do you think the biggest challenge is in teaching?

4.      If you won a classroom makeover, what would you want to do?

5.      What is something your blog readers may not know about you?

6.      What advice would you give a new blogger?

7.      What is your “guilty pleasure?”

8.      What was your first car?

9.      Do you live in the area where you grew up?

10.   Do you have a colleague who has inspired you or you connect with?

11.   What is your favorite thing to do on summer break (besides prep for next year)?

Thanks again bloggers for my nomination!




  1. are as young as you feel and you are 20 doubled :) Smiles and stop by anytime!

    1. I remember when 40 sounded "old!" ...but now that it is here, I really don't feel any older than in my 20's. Just more responsibilities :)
